
Upcoming Events

2025 Golfing

Current Dates/Details  (Times may vary):

When: June 20, 21, 22

Where: Loup City Country Club

2025 Fishing

Current Dates/Details (Times may vary):

When: June 20, 21, 22

Where: VFW Hall, Loup City NE

past Events

2024 Outdoor Event

On June 21, 2024 we hosted [number] Servicemen and Women from the Heartland area with the help of [number] volunteer fishing guides. 

After a day of golfing, we all gathered for a dinner and "Meet and Greet" to precede a guided day of fishing at Sherman Reservoir on Saturday June 22nd.

Attending Servicemen & Women: Ken Macek, Gerald Mulford, Jeremy Borrell, Brandon Stahl, Ronald Cline, Randy Cline, Clair Guinzey, Jerry Kearns, Joel Sacks, Jerry Placzek, Brian Waterman, Randy Holen, Gary McCracken, Alan Bartels, Dave Waters, Robert Runge, Justin Crandall, Michael Nordhues, Bob Placzek, Mark Merlino, Chris Rich, Tony Hansen, John Gallaway, Justin Gydesen

with the following GUIDES: John and Tina Treffer, LJ Treffer, Mike Schaub, Gary Meyer, Klinger Klingsporn, Cameron Piester, Scott Tincher, Dennis Johnson, Don Deines, Josh Johnson, Keith Ripp, Shawn Peterson, Eric Kuszak, Zack Backlund, Justine Gladstone, Kurt Coffee, Ryan Anderson, Monte Carpenter, Scot Danielson, Parker Nutt, Lance Peterson.

Our 2024 Sponsors: 

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who made our 2024 Outdoor Event a success! 

To the servicemen and women who joined us, we are truly honored to have spent the weekend with you, sharing moments of camaraderie, laughter, and relaxation. Your service and sacrifice inspire us, and it was a privilege to give back in this small way.

A heartfelt thank you to the volunteers and fishing guides who shared their time, energy, equipment and expertise to ensure that this event was memorable for everyone involved. Your dedication and passion are what make this event possible, and we are endlessly grateful for your contributions.

To our generous sponsors, whose support made this event a reality—your commitment to honoring our servicemen and women is greatly appreciated. Your partnership allows us to continue providing these meaningful experiences, and we look forward to working with you in the future.

Together, all of you made this weekend one to remember. THANK YOU for your support!

2023 Outdoor Event

For our 2023 event, we hosted 18 servicemen and women from the Heartland area with the help of more than 20 volunteers, and 19 fishing guides from June 23 to June 25.

The event kicked off on Friday morning with a golf scramble, fostering a friendly competitive environment for participants. Following the game, a parade of boats sailed into town, and the evening ended with a dinner and a meet and greet, where guides and nominated servicemen and women were able to mingle, sharing stories and experiences. 

On Saturday, there was a guided fishing outing that gave everyone a chance to relax and spend some time on the water at Sherman Reservoir. The morning was full of fun and great catches thanks to the 18 dedicated volunteers who provided boats and acted as fishing guides. Del Bresson and George McFadden both brought in a catch that measured 28.5 inches, tying them for the title of biggest fish.

Veteran Bob Harpst, who served in the Army and National Guard from 1979 to 2010, commended the event and the dedication of the volunteers and community members involved. He praised the exceptional camaraderie and the substantial effort put into organizing the event.

 "Without the volunteers, an event like this would not be possible. It almost brings tears to my eyes to witness the hard work they put in. It's awesome, and it's apparent that people in the Loup City, Sherman County area are totally dedicated to the values of America and to the people that protect those values."

In the evening, a banquet and ceremony were held, highlighting the achievements and sacrifices of the honored servicemen and women. Each participant was acknowledged and presented with challenge coins, symbolizing thanks for their dedication and service.

Throughout the event, raffle prizes were awarded to both nominees and volunteers, while two $5,000 scholarships were presented. Brandon Placzek, from Loup City, who will be attending Central Community College - Hastings, and Kellsey Harrold, from Broken Bow, who will be attending Northeast Community College in Norfolk, were the recipients. These scholarships serve as a testament of the organization's commitment to supporting trade schools.

Marc Krueger, president of the organization shared,

"I want people to leave realizing that these individuals sacrificed so much for us to enjoy our daily lives in the United States. And I want our participants, whether they are veterans or first responders, to recognize that they have not been forgotten and that people truly appreciate them."

Attending Servicemen & Women: Colby Albright, Steve Dolan, Nacho Haight, Paul Soto, Dean Reicks, Del Breson, John Michalek, Norman Roland, Bob Harpst, Justin Staab, Wayne Gallaway, Troy Reiter, Dennis Jacobs, Herb Craig, Larry Peterson, George McFadden, and Tom Rayburn.

with the following Guides: Ryan Anderson, Justin Gladson, Tim Hoffman, Dennis Johnson, Josh Johson, Klinger Klingsporn, Gary Meyers, Rex Paul, Cam and Lana Piester, Larry Placzek, Craig Runge, Mike Schaub, Todd Sweley, Mick Tourney, John and Tina Treffer, LJ Treffer, and Darin Verba.

Our 2023 Sponsors: 

Platinum Plus: ATS Auto Tech Specialist, Bracket H Trucking (1 of 3 years=$ Golf balls: good til 2026), El Dupa / Lady Dupa Motorcycle Family, Gary Myers & Family, Motor Guides, Tina Treffer's Signs and Designs (1 of 3 yrs-Trailer Labor), Trade Winds Marina. Platinum: American Legion Riders, Central Sandhills Chapter, Bullet Weights, Buzz's Marine, Brian & Bonnie Reiter, Citizens Bank, Cook & Beals, Loup Agency, Lowrance (Merch), Mack Farms, RA Custom Baits (Merch), Sandry Fire Supply, Tourney Bros Metal Fabrication, Gold: BL Shoppe, Cam & Lana Piesters, GI Loan, Midtown Tire & Auto, Son's of American Legion Squadron #48, Steve Oseka, The Frederick Hotel, Silver: Aurora Coop, Benson Family Dentistry, LLC., Ericson Ford. Loup City Auto Parts, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Road Builders by Dennis Johnson, Bronze: Don Oseka, Ken's Equipment, Kings, Loup City Diner, Loup City Lanes

Photos coming soon!

2022 Outdoor Event

On June 17th, 2022 we hosted twenty (20) Servicemen and Women from the Heartland area with the help of sixteen (16) volunteer fishing guides. All of whom, joined us for a dinner and "Meet and Greet" followed with a Fishing Trip on Saturday June 26th.

Attending Servicemen & Women: Jerry Arnold, Matt Beaty, Marvin Beck, Cody Brandt, Tod Brandt, Jerry Cedar, Brian Ewing, Jerry Heubner, Alan Keup, Robert Lawrence, Ralph Maul, Dan Patterson, Howard Roth, Scott Sekutera, Nick Skinner, Matt Slatter, Tadd Slatter, Donald Smith, Rod Sonnichesen, and David Zlatkovsky.

with the following GUIDES: Ryan Anderson, Trent Fisher, Justin Gladson, Tim Hoffman, Kyle Holden, Ron Garver, Klinger, Gary Myers, Cam & Lana Piester, Scott Placzek, Craig Rungie, Mike Schaub, Scott Tincher, Mick Tourney, LJ Treffer, Jon & Tina Treffer.

Our 2022 Sponsors: Gary Myers & Family, MotorGuide, American Legion Riders, Central Sandhills Chapter, ATS Auto Tech Specialist, Bracket H Trucking, Cash-Wa, Cook & Beals Inc, Eagle Distributing, Gibbon Pack, Kuszak's Hardware, Mack Farms, Platte Valley Outdoors, RA Custom Baits, Ron Klimek, Sandry Fire Supply, Tourney Bros Metal Fabrication, Tina Treffer Signs & Designs, Trade Winds Marina, Woznest, Cin Trese Boutique & Jewelry, The Fredrick Hotel & DOT Cafe, Steven Oseka, Clinton Obermiller, and Road Builders. 

We had a few Servicemen, Guides, volunteers, and Board Members spend some time outdoors on Sunday Golfing and Fishing. 

A BIG Thank You goes out to all who participated, sponsored, and volunteered.

2021 Guided Fishing

On June 25th, 2021 we invited 26 (Twenty-Six) Servicemen and Women from the Heartland area and 19 (Nineteen) fishing guides to join us for a "Meet and Greet" followed with a Fishing Trip and / or Golf Outing on Saturday June 26th.

All but one of our Volunteer Guides, and Four of our Servicemen and Servicewomen attended our Friday night Meet & Greet.

On Saturday, all but two, Servicemen showed for our Outdoor Fishing and Golfing Event. We had 19 Guides and 24 Servicemen and women with their (plus one) participate in a fun day of golfing, floating on the boat, and yes, some even caught a few fish.  Great conversation, story telling, and laughs were had by all.

Attending Servicemen & Women: Eldon Adams, Jan Badura, Fred Daake, Rianna & Scott Dickmeyer, Mitch Dzingle, Ron Eurek, Larry Glazier, Rod Griess, Robert (Bob) Harrold, Charles Hoffman, Kevin Hurt, Dan Jarzynka, Cheri Kowalski, Gary Lanka, Chris Layher, John Sr. Michalek, Mike Moeller, Earl Norseen, Rich Peters, Larry Shotkoski, Elizabeth Shotkoski-Jurgens, B.J. Skibinksi, and Bob Siebke. 

with the following GUIDES:

Ryan Anderson, Tim Bartz, Randy Engle, Justin Gladson, Trent Fischer, Ron Garver, Tim Hoffman, Klinger, Erik Kuszak, Gary Myers, Cameron Piester, Larry Placzek, Scott Placzek, Mike Schaub, Steve Staab, Todd Sweley, Mick Tourney, Jon Treffer, LJ Treffer. 

Our 2021 Sponsors: #1 Lawn Care, Akala, Arcadia Sons of American Legion Squadron #251, ATS, Cash Wa, Central Sandhills Chapter American Legion Riders, Cin Trese Boutique & Jewelry, Gary Myers & Family, Mid West Bait Pros, Scientific Crop Agronomy, Top Gun Agronomy, Trade Winds Marina, Cook & Beals, Loop Agency, Trotters Grain & Fertilizer, Trotters Service LC, Citizens, Joes Market, Johnson's Hunt & Fish, Loup CIty Lanes, Rackology, Custom Floral, Jen Smedra, Ken's Equipment, Loup City Lumber, TD's Bar, and four (4) Kind Smaritan Donations. 

It turned out to be a wonderful day of telling tales, putting, catching fish, and making memories.

We even had a few of the veterans and guides show up on Sunday for the optional day of Fishing/Golfing.

A BIG Thank You goes out to all who participated, sponsored, and volunteered.

**2020 Event, Unfortunately, our 2020 Golf & Fishing Event was canceled due to COVID 19.

2019 Guided Fishing

On June 15th, 2019 we invited ten local veterans and fishing guides to join us for a meet and greet followed with a fishing trip on Saturday June 16th.

We had a few of the veterans and guides show up on Friday for the Meet and Greet.

Then on Saturday, with questionable skies and some rain, we had three groups of veterans show to be guided.

WWII Veteran: Harold Obermiller & wife Bethene Obermiller

Korean Navy Veteran: Pat Kuehl

Korean Navy Veteran: Don Juilfs

Army National Guard serviceman: John Gallaway

SAL member: Luke Niedbalski

SAL members: Scott Kuehl

with the following GUIDES:

Larry Placzek, Scott Placzek & Gary Myers

It turned out to be a wonderful day of telling tales, catching fish, and making memories.